Debbie devoted her entire life as a “true animal lover” She was extremely talented and competitive in the equine world. Her accomplishments read somewhat like a Cinderella Story, winning many championship awards aboard her coveted Tennessee Walking Horse, R Golden Man. The name R Golden Man and Debbie Willoughby are still echoing in the states Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee, R Golden man and Debbie won two reserve world championships in the country pleasure division in the 80's. Also winning several top five in the world in the Show Pleasure division.
After the passing of R Golden Man, Debbie was still seeking competition. She dove into breeding, owning, and training of Border Collies. She rose to the top of her field winning first. in the country in the herding ducks division and second in the country, herding sheep. She truly loved her animals.
Those left to honor her memory, include her devoted husband of almost 52 years, Charles D. Willoughby, her mother, Margaret Baxter, brother, John Baxter and cherished sister, Beverly Schulz. She was preceded in death by her father, William Baxter.
Debbie will be tremendously missed by her many friends, especially the four legged ones.