by Mark McGee
Fifteen world grand champions were crowned Thursday night, the first of three world title nights at the 86th Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. Dan Asche of First Christian Church gave the prayer. Craig Campbell of Eagleville gave a country touch to the “Star Spangled Banner”, while Ronnie Spears and White Diamond Dollar presented the Stars and Stripes.
The first spotlight ride of the evening was captured by Jazzed Up Lady and owner-rider Lauren Hamilton in the Owner-Amateur Park Pleasure World Grand Championship. They were second the first Thursday night of The Celebration in the Owner-Amateur Western Park Pleasure class. Reserve was Boston Bay with co-owner Anne Evans aboard for co-owner Jocelyn Laughlin. Dixie’s Legacy and co-owner Sister Milligan rode to third place finish for co-owner Billie DeArmond. Eight of 13 listed entries answered the gate call by ring announcer Mark Farrar.

All seven expected entries took to the ring next to vie for the Owner-Amateur Novice Trail Pleasure World Grand Championship. The spotlight landed on the team of He’z Sugar Daddy and Finely New who shed their novice label and gained a floral horse shoe for Cindy and Bobby Richards of Franklin. They were also first in the Owner-Amateur Novice English Trail Pleasure class Monday morning. He’s A Knight Rider and co-owner-rider Andrea Coleman were reserve for co-owners Bre Lovvorn and Jacie Booth. The yellow ribbon went to The Serengeti with co-owner-rider Kendra White in the saddle for Jennifer Stanley.
Scarlett O’Hara LLC repeated as the world grand champion in the Owner-Amateur Youth Country Pleasure World Grand Championship. But, it was the first time for owner-rider Frank Clark, from Arab, Alabama, to make a spotlight ride at the Celebration. Friday morning they were first in the Owner-Amateur Youth 12-17 Western Country Pleasure class. In 2023, Harper Grider rode Scarlett O’Hara to the world grand championship in the class. The Tiger Lily, second last year in the class, was second this year with Caroline Stanley riding for Jennifer Stanley. A Confession and Kylie Duvall walked away with a yellow ribbon for Christy and Jason Duvall. All 11 entries participated in the class.
Co-owner-rider Rhiannon Barker made her first ever Celebration spotlight ride as a world grand champion with Just A Steel Magnolia for co-owner Dr. Grey Barker from Christiana in the Owner-Amateur All Day Pleasure World Grand Championship. She was the winning selection by all five judges. The first Thursday morning of The Celebration, they won the blue in the Owner-Amateur Four & Five-Year-Old All Day Pleasure class. They have five blues and a second in six classes. She’s Never Been Kissed, reserve in 2023, repeated as the second place tie with co-owner Kimberly Walden aboard for co-owner Alayna Arnold. Gallivant placed third for owner-rider Jared Carter. Seventeen of 18 expected entries were in the class.
If you are going to make your first Celebration winning ride, then why not do it under the spotlight in a world grand championship class. That is what co-owner-rider Susan Erwin did with Say Cash for co-owner Dan Erwin of Olive Hill, Kentucky, in the Owner-Amateur Novice World Grand Championship that hosted 13 horse and rider teams. They were the unanimous choice of the five-judge panel. Sam Martin was second Monday night in the Experienced Trainers class with Say Cash. Sweet Miss Charlie and co-owner-rider Charlotte Gray earned the second place tie for co-owner Sudie Reed. He’s For Real rode away with a yellow ribbon with Jerry Childers in the saddle for The Gerald Childers Family.

Good Samaritan wore the floral horseshoe and unanimously won the tri-colored ribbon as co-owner Pam Russell was in the saddle for the spotlight ride as the Elite Owner-Amateur World Grand Champions. Larry Russell of Pontotoc, Mississippi, is also a co-owner. The first Friday night, the team bested the Owner-Amateur 70 & Over competition. They have three blues in three classes in 2024. Maroon 5 and Dr. Jim Baum earned the second place tie in the class for Luke Baum. Glory JC and owner-rider Jannie Chapman were third. Nine of 21 expected entries made the gate.
Co-owner Frank Clark made his second spotlight ride of the night, this time aboard I Am Big Enough for co-owner Beth Beasley in the Owner-Amateur Youth Ponies World Grand Championship. Beasley is from Athens, Alabama, and Clark is from Arab. Clark has two rides aboard I Am Big Enough, both at The Celebration. They placed first Sunday night in the Owner-Amateur Youth 15-17 Ponies class. The Ultimate Honor, the 2023 title winner in the class, was reserve with Jack Harney in the stirrups for The Justin Harney Family. A Classic Action and owner-rider Harper Grider walked out with a yellow streamer. Eight of nine scheduled entries were in the ring.
Seven of 11 anticipated entries made the gate call in the next class on the schedule. Caryl Sherman had plenty of reasons to shout Hurrah! as she rode to the floral horse shoe under the spotlight as the unanimous Owner-Amateur Two-Year-Old World Grand Champion with Hurrah!. It was Caryl’s first ever world grand championship ride. She and Floyd Sherman own the black stallion. She won her first ever Celebration blue ribbon the first Thursday night aboard Hurrah! in Section A of the Owner-Amateur Two-Year-Old Stallions class. They have shown in five classes this year and are undefeated. I Am Superman 4G was reserve with Alex Rea in the irons for Dr. Ann Rea, while He Is Electric and Susan Erwin rode to a third place finish for Dan Erwin.
All four entries were in the ring for the Owner-Amateur Four & Five-Year-Old Trail World Grand Championship. Sweet Walking Matilda and owner-rider Margo Urad of Shelbyville made the spotlight ride. They also won the Owner-Amateur Four-Year-Old Trail Pleasure class Wednesday morning on the opening day of the show. On the first Thursday of the show, Laurie Toone was first with Sweet Walking Matilda in the Trail Pleasure Four & Five-Year-Old class. Sweet Walking Matilda has eight blues and two reserves in 10 classes in 2024. Mr. Booty and owner-rider Darren Gray placed second. Allstate and Teresa Tyra walked away with a yellow streamer.

Next was the Owner-Amateur Youth Show Pleasure World Grand Championship that hosted 12 of the 16 programmed entries. It was the team of owner-rider Khloe Aymett McSwain and Annie’s Lined With Cash making the spotlight ride for the third year in a row. They were the unanimous selection of the judges. They won the Owner-Amateur Youth 12-17 class Saturday night. They are undefeated in four classes this show season. Smoky Mountain Squire and owner-rider Ivy Freeman earned the reserve honors. Well Armed American, with co-owner Reese Abernathy on board for co-owner James Abernathy, were third.
A Touche’ didn’t need the spotlight to make the victory ride as the world grand champion in the Owner-Amateur Park Performance World Grand Championship. Jannie Chapman from Red Banks, Mississippi, and A Touche’ have worn the floral horseshoe and the tri-colored ribbon five times including wins in 2023, 2021, 2019 and 2017. They won the Owner-Amateur Park Performance Stallions class Sunday night. They have four blues in four classes in 2024. Mayor Bill and co-owner-rider Kim Lewis were named the reserve champions for co-owner George Lewis. The third place award went to I Am Uno with co-owner Will Cole aboard for co-owner Thomas Holton. Nine of 12 entries were present for the class.
Born A Maverick and owner-rider Bob Adcock of Lititz, Pennsylvania, made the spotlight ride in the Owner-Amateur Five-Year-Old World Grand Championship. Four of five listed entries rode into the ring. The team also won the Owner-Amateur Five-Year-Old Stallions class Monday night. They have four blues and a reserve in five classes in 2024. In 2023, they won the Owner-Amateur Four-Year-Old World Grand Championship. A Shade Of Jose’ and co-owner Buck Buchanan placed second for co-owner Donna Buchanan. He’s Hot and Sister Milligan took home a yellow ribbon for Counti Green.
All five planned entries competed in the Owner-Amateur Trail Pleasure World Grand Championship. Susan Coleman from Unionville and Machete made their fourth consecutive spotlight ride in the class repeating their wins from 2023, 2022 and 2021. They also won in 2019. They are unbeaten in five classes this year and also were flawless in five classes in 2023. They were the unanimous selection of the judges. Blacklist earned reserve honors with owner-rider Jane Pirolo. They were second in 2023. Retribution and co-owner-rider Rachel Teague rode to a third place tie for co-owners Julie and Garold Ross.

Space Cowboy SN floated to the Lite-Shod World Grand Championship with Jonathan Baskin for Skyler Nipper of Shelbyville. It was the first spotlight ride for Baskin, though it was the third blue of the show for Space Cowboy SN. Friday night, Baskin won the Lite-Shod Western title, and then on Monday morning, Nipper placed first in the Owner-Amateur Novice Lite-Shod class. Space Cowboy SN has won seven blues and a reserve in eight classes. Big Time Bandit and Patrick Thomas rode to a second place finish for Lisa and Dr. Jim Baum. Marvel Mystery and Chris Zahnd walked out with a yellow ribbon for Elaine and David Kapinos. Five of six expected entries participated.
Six of nine programmed entries made the gate call for the Three-Year-Old World Grand Championship to close out the night. Ohtani made the spotlight ride with John Allan Callaway in the saddle for Dr. Barbara Moersch from Jacksonville, Alabama. They also won Section A of the Three-Year-Old Stallions class Friday night. They are a perfect five-for-five this year. Last year John Allan won the Three-Year-Old World Grand Championship on Honky Tonk for Alan Riddley. Bill Callaway and Spotlight On Jose 4G were reserve for Bob Adcock of Lititz, Pennsylvania. Powerball JHA and Lake Weaver rode to third for Karen Bean.